- 公派可以凭留学基金委的资助证明免雅思成绩~省吃俭用是够的,如果国内毕业申请新加坡读研没有任何bond,一般phd都给奖学金,ms奖学金很少。拿到免学费读phd的话,有没有拿到奖学金,都可以申请公派。差不多够用的
- 语言是出国留学的敲门砖,必备。
- IETLS is required for BOTH admission and visa purpose. Unless you are going to do a short training course and not taking student visa.
Expenses will depend on where you live and transport. If RMB is getting stronger (UK pounds look like they have problem), it will be better for you in the future as you'll get more UKpounds for the same amount of RMB.
Good luck - 雅思你不学,到那里语言就不行