大众传媒专业 留学

大众传媒专业 留学
浏览3次 3个回答 更新于 2024-09-20 07:47:20#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  • 选择澳洲的硕士会好,而且你国内专业转国外大众传媒没有问题,具体看你大学及在校期间的成绩。加拿大本身研究生就极难申请,而且签证困难,不建议考虑。
  • 传媒专业也细分好几个领域的,如新闻学、传播学等。因此,选择学校,还是要先确定你要申请的专业方向。



  • 给你一些提供与传媒相关的专业的澳洲大学,供参考:

    Australian National University:
    Bachelor of Arts (New Media Arts)

    University of Canberra:
    Bachelor of Communication in Journalism
    Bachelor of Communication in Media / Multimedia Production
    Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Communication in Media/Multimedia Production

    The University of Southern Queensland:
    Bachelor of Arts - Communication and media studies

    The University of Queensland:
    Bachelor of Journalism / Bachelor of Arts

    University of South Australia:
    Bachelor of Communication (Media and Culture)
    Bachelor of Arts (Communication and Media Management)

    The University of New South Wales:
    Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communications)
    Bachelor of Media

    University of Technology, Sydney:
    Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Journalism)
    Bachelor of Arts in Communication (Public Communication)
    Bachelor of Arts (New Media Arts)

    The University of Adelaide (Adelaide):
    Bachelor of Media / Bachelor of Arts Double degree
    Bachelor of Media / Bachelor of International Studies Double degree

    Bond University:
    Bachelor of Multimedia
    Bachelor of Journalism
    Bachelor of Communication
    Bachelor of Multimedia Design (Mass Communication)

    Charles Darwin University:
    Bachelor of Creative Arts and Industries (New Media)

    Curtin University of Technology:
    Bachelor of Arts (Communication & Cultural Studies) / Bachelor of Arts (Media and Information)
    Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) Honours
    Bachelor of Arts (Languages & Asian Culture) / Bachelor of Arts (Media & Information)
    Bachelor of Arts (Media & Information) - Film & Television Broadcast Production Stream
    Bachelor of Arts (Media & Information) - Journalism Major
    Bachelor of Arts (Media Studies)
    Bachelor of Arts (Media and Information)
    Bachelor of Arts (Media, Society and Culture)

    Deakin University:
    Bachelor of Arts (Media and Communication)
    Bachelor of Film and Digital Media

    La Trobe University:
    Bachelor of Media Studies / Bachelor of Asian Studies

    Murdoch University:
    Bachelor of Media in Media Studies
    Bachelor of Media in Radio
    Bachelor of Multimedia

    Queensland University of Technology:
    Bachelor of Creative Industries (Honours) Media and Communication
    Bachelor of Creative Industries (Media and Communication)

    RMIT University:
    Bachelor of Communication (Media)
    Bachelor of Design (Communication Design)
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