留学套磁信要怎么写 套磁信留学写作解析

留学套磁信要怎么写 套磁信留学写作解析
浏览4次 1个回答 更新于 2025-01-19 07:16:58#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  •   一封好的套磁信也就意味着你离获得录取只有一步之遥了。那留学套磁信到底要怎么写呢?有哪些写作注意事项?赶紧来阅读的文章吧!
      · I am a graduate student in X.
      · My name is X X. I received my degree from X University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
      · I am a graduate student of Photonics from Shahid Beheshti University (Tehran, Iran) with a background on {my research}, highly interested in your research area.
      · I have recently graduated from the University of Tehran, which is the oldest and most prestigious university of Iran, with an degree in Electrical Engineering, xxx, and decided to pursue my studies as a PhD student at a prestigious Canadian university.
      · I am writing to inquire about the announced PhD positions in X, announced on your web page.
      · I would like for you to supervise my PhD.
      · Currently, I am looking for universities and available positions to resume my education in the direct PhD essay writing service on
      · The project seems very attractive and I am extremely interested in working on it under your supervision.
      · It would be really an honor for me to pursue my studies under your supervision since, regarding your papers especially “…….”, I found a close relationship between your interests and mine.
      · I have read your papers X, Y and Z and have a few questions about how the work might be extended. Should I send these questions to one of your P.h.D. students or may I send them to you directly?
      · I’ve read some of your papers such as “XXX”. They are best compatible to my research interest. I am very eager to know your opinion regarding my case in applying to XXX Especially I would be really interested if I have the chance to become a member of your team.
      · I read paper entitled ‘D’ published by your group at ‘E’ and was interested in …
      · I recently published a paper ‘F’, which I believe compliments work by ‘G’ in your department on ‘H’.
      · I have read your recent journal paper entitled “xx”. As mentioned in the conclusion, the proposed observer may be applicable in the xx. I have gotten very interested in this issue and chosen it as the most likely field on which I want to work if I will be a P.h.D. student.
      · During the last two years, I have been tracking your website and found that you have a vibrant research group.
      · After going through your laboratory’s web page, I found myself really interested in your research about the XXX and its promising prospects of xx.
      ·Regarding your excellent research background and reference publications in XXXX group, I believe that joining your group will help me to improve my knowledge in the same field.
      · I read [1,2] to know more about your work on observer design in which I’m currently preparing a paper to submit to EJC. I’ve also read [2] to get a general overview of the battery modeling. This paper really interested me in the first part of the project, failure modeling.
      · I have read your related research works to my interests. They sound so interesting, especially your recent paper “…….”. I think my background is in line with yours in perspective of PPP.
      · I would be really grateful if you could please tell me whether there are any available positions for the Fall 2016 semester in your lab, so I can pursue my studies under your supervision.
      · Please find attached my CV along with some highlights of my academic background.
      · I would appreciate if you could provide me any advice on this endeavor, wondering if there is any chance for me to be one of your PhD students.
      · For more information, I have attached my resume as a PDF file.
      · Thank you in advance for taking the time and reading my email, I look forward to your kind response.
      · Best regards,
      · XXX
  • 这段的内容也是套磁信的核心,所以要想写好第一封套磁信,必须是在看了很多教授所发表的论文或者在做的项目或者之前做过的研究,深入挖掘之后才可以。第三段,重点介绍自己的背景中比较值得说的经历。概括一下自己的背景,要遵循一个原则就是,你能带给对方什么。假如对方录取你...
  • 套磁信是为了提高自己的留学申请成功率,那么写一份套磁信有哪些事情是不能做的呢,和出国留学网小编一起来看看加拿大留学套磁信如何写。 首先,我们要明确写套磁信的时候哪些事情是不能做的 1. 避免模板化的套磁:有些学生为了省时省力,在写好套磁之后就开...
  • 套词信”的目的无非是表达对教授研究方向的兴趣及作他/她学生的愿望, 同时询问他/她是否有funding。在写“套磁信”前, 你必须花一些时间... 还可以向他提问;如果你对教授的论文能提出建议和想法,那就更好了。 6. 试探地问一下系里funding的情况 7. 期待他/她的回信 蔚...
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