HU Berlin 柏林洪堡大学Optical Sciences Msc
Specific requirements are:
English language proficiency (minimum level B2)
Higher Mathematics (minimum 15 ECTS credit points)
Quantum Theory/Quantum Physics (minimum 10 ECTS credit points)
Electrodynamics/Optics (minimum 10 ECTS credit points)
Physics Laboratory (5 ECTS credit points)
4 semester, 3 stage curriculum:
Stage 1: Optical Sciences
Fundamentals of Optical Sciences (12 ECTS credit points)Advanced Optical Sciences (6 ECTS credit points)Optical Sciences Laboratory (6 ECTS credit points)Seminar Optical Sciences (6 ECTS credit points)Stage 2: Elective Subjects
Nonlinear Photonics (3 modules, 6 ECTS credit points each)Quantum Optics (3 modules, 6 ECTS credit points each)Short-Wavelength Optics (3 modules, 6 ECTS credit points each)Theoretical Optics (3 modules, 6 ECTS credit points each)Stage 3: Independent Research
Advanced Optical Sciences Laboratory (15 ECTS credit points)Introduction to Independent Scientific Research (15 ECTS credit points)Master thesis (30 ECTS credit points)
KIT 卡尔斯鲁厄理工Optics and Photonics MSc
4 semester, Specialization:
- Optical Systems
- Biomedical Photonics
- Solar Energy
- Quantum Optics & Spectroscopy
- Photonic Materials & Devices
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