
浏览1次 2个回答 更新于 2025-01-19 19:33:30#精选# MBA微课、MBA研修、MBA学位
  • 通常申请国外的高中、大学和研究生都是需要写 PS 的,虽然内容根据你申请的学校会有所不同,但是写作技巧上有很多相近之处我们可以学习一下。
    “An admissions or application essay, sometimes also called apersonal statement or a statement of purpose, is an essay or other writtenstatement written by an applicant, often a prospective student applying to somecollege, university, or graduate school. The application essay is a common partof the university and college admissions process.”
    根据学校录取程序的不同,PS 的侧重点也不太一样。
    如果学校没有面试,只能提供 PS 和成绩的话,PS 就变成了唯一一个可以让招生官了解你对学科的热情和你能力的材料,重要性自然不言而喻。
    如果申请程序中有面试,PS 也相当的重要,因为里面会给面试官提供问题的素材,在 PS 里写到的内容非常有可能会在面试中被问到。剑桥大学的官网就这么写道:“Personalstatements are often used as a basis for discussion at interview. ”
    · 申请的学科内容
    写自己为什么想要申请现在这个学科,课程内容中具体的那个话题让你感兴趣,为什么让你感兴趣。然后为了显示自己有能力读这个课程,一定要把学这个课程需要的技能和自己现在拥有的能力联系起来,通过具体的实例来证明自己拥有相应的能力。这里需要注意的是,如果 PS 里面提到的课程内容和实际提供的课程相差甚远的话,招生官肯定会觉得内容都能搞错就说明你想要申请这个课程的诚意不够。所以在申请的时候一定要做好最基础的研究,知道自己申请的课程有什么内容,教学方式以及最后的考试方针。
    · 证明自己的能力和热情
    ···Why are you applying for your chosen course(s)?
    ···Why does this subject interest you? Include evidence that you understand what’s required to study the course, e.g. if applying for psychology courses, show that you know how scientific the subject is.
    ···Why do you think you’re suitable for the course(s)? Do you have any particular skills and experience that will help you to succeed on the course(s)?
    ···Do your current or previous studies relate to the course(s) that you have chosen? If so, how?
    ···Have you taken part in any other activities that demonstrate your interest in the course(s)?
    ···Universities like to know the skills you have that will help you on the course, or generally with life at university, such as any accredited or non-accredited achievements.
    ···Make a list of your hobbies, interests and social activities. Then think about how they demonstrate your personality, skills and abilities. Try to link them to the skills and experience required for your course(s).
    ···Include details of jobs, placements, work experience or voluntary work, particularly if it’s relevant to your chosen course(s). Try to link any experience to skills or qualities related to the course.
    ···(针对非应届的申请生)Explain what you’ve been doing since leaving education, and provide additional evidence to support your application. If you’re not in full-time education, you should give details of any relevant work experience, paid or unpaid, and information about your current or previous employment.
    ···(针对国际学生)Tell universities why you want to study in the UK and why you think you can successfully complete a course that is taught in English. Say if some of your studies have been taught or examined in English and if you have taken part in any activities where you have used English outside of your studies.
    ···If you know what you’d like to achieve after completing the course, explain how you want to use the knowledge and experience that you gain. How does the course relate to what you want to do in the future?

    虽然内容大概可以划分成上面两块,但是如果你的 PS 就只有两个段落的话,招生官看起来会非常烦操,毕竟没有人想要看 wallof text。而且加上字数限制(英国本科申请字符数最多 4000),内容的选择也相当重要。接下来我们就结合英国曼彻斯特大学的结构例子来学习一下怎么分段,以及每个段落怎么写。
    · 开头
    这里一定要切记千万要慎用 passionate 这个被万千招生官讨厌的词,也不能说 I have always been interested in/ passionate about,这两个都是非常烂大街的表达,招生官第一眼看到这个印象分肯定就下降很多。要通过自己具体的经历来说明,不能假大空。
    例子:The subject ofeconomics, which I seek to study in the coming years, was first introduced tome through the United States Academic Decathlon, a ten-subject team competitionfor high schools. Over the past two years I have devoted hundreds of hours toindependent preparation for this competition. Consequently, I took third placein my division at the national level for an eloquent performance whileinterviewing. However, the greatest benefit has been developing a fascinationwith economics. I now see it as an elegant, mathematical approach to studyingthe consequences of human nature in action.
    · 第二段
    · 第三段
    这里就可以写自己做的实习,参加的社团,平常的兴趣等等。可以通过 ABC 法则来写。
    ···Activity: What haveyou done? 你参加的活动
    ···Benefit: Whatskills have you gained? 通过这个活动培养的技能
    ···Course: How willthis prepare you for the course? 这个技能和你申请的课程的联系。
    · 第四段
    · 结尾
    The recent economic turmoil has reinforced my belief in howeconomics is truly an integral part of our lives. University will provide theideal environment in which to strengthen and test my understanding of such adiscipline, whilst being a place where I can formulate and contribute my owntheories to the subject. After receiving full marks in AS-level Economics, Ihave set myself a high standard, and I wish to continue my ambitions in thefinance industry. However, I recognise that my passion for economics will leadme to many more career horizons.
    总的来说,申请研究生的 PS 基本可以沿用这个结构,但是需要注意的是,研究生需要写到更多和自己专业相关的内容。包括自己具体对什么论文感兴趣,对哪些论点保持怀疑态度,以后自己想要研究的方向等等。
    And papers such as Beliefsand actions in the trust game: Creating instrumental variables to estimate thecausal effect (Miguel A.Costa-Gomesa, Steffen Huck, Georg Weizsäcker 2014) demonstrated ways to incorporatestatistical tools such as OLS and IV estimators to explain causal effects inbehaviour patterns.
  • 个人陈述一般包括个人成长经历及体会、特长及取得的成果、进入高校的努力方向及规划等。尽量做到言简意赅,因为你无法将所有事记流水账,写了太多考官也不会去细察。一定要注意有针对性,突出个人重点,主次分明,这样不仅使你的个人简述清晰,而且还能将考官的问题引入到你所擅长的领域,可以有许多话去说的领域当中。这是我当时出国中介的文案老师告诉我的,我们互相配合,写出了非常好的个人陈述和其他的文书,加强我的录取几率,艾特诗的顾问和文案老师真是负责任,我能顺利出国真是应该感谢他们。
  • 以下是留学申请DIY的一些步骤和注意事项: 确定目标国家和学校:首先,你需要确定自己想要去哪个国家留学,以及希望就读的学校。这需要考虑的因素包括你的专业方向、个人兴趣、未来职业规划、目标国家的教育质量、生活成本等。 收集信息:一旦确定了目标,就需...
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  • 英国不建议,我刚刚申请的英国diy,offer拿到几个,奖学金一分没有。。 看你时间还充裕,考个GRE申请美国吧。。 日本不太清楚。。
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