Professional master for everyone, but may be unfamiliar to the MBA, MPA is that familiar. Actually, the MBA degree of it, MPA two categories. At present, the master of professional approval has been set up to 15. Professional master degree in MBA mainly include: (MBA degree of public management, master degree of engineering (MPA), master (ME), master of law (J.M), accounting for the master degree (MPACC), public health master degree of incoming MPH), agriculture (master degree, master degree, vet teachs master major degree, etc. Earlier this year, the master of arts, sports, landscape three master's degree. Master degree graduate education in China is a kind of form. According to the academic degrees committee under the state council, professional degree with professional background for the degree of specific profession, cultivate high-level talents. Professional postgraduate education ways of learning more flexible, on-the-job assiduously study and can be divided into two categories of full-time study. Simple differentiate method is: on-the-job personnel, in the spare time study primarily specialized degree examination annually in October, generally called "on-the-job personnel, a master's degree, referred to as" the plan "guardian", Recruit full-time students of professional degree examination and at the beginning of every year "the nation graduate student unifies the entrance exam" (hereinafter referred to as "test") held together